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Showing posts from February, 2016

Deviled Eggs

I've always loved deviled eggs, but can never bring myself to hard boil and peel eggs. Ugh. But, Costco saves the day again! They have organic hard boiled, peeled eggs at a wonderful price. So suddenly the thought of making deviled eggs feels possible! Here's how I did it. I know if you're making this as an appetizer, you'll do a much bigger batch, but these were just for Matt and I :) Ingredients: 3 hard boiled, peeled eggs 1/8 cup Miracle Whip Light 1/2 tsp yellow mustard Several drops buffalo/hot sauce Pinch of salt Paprika Cut the eggs in half length-wise. Squeeze each half to pop the yolks into a bowl (SO EASY). Also put in the bowl the rest of the ingredients, except paprika. Use a fork to mix it all up. Then spoon the mixture back into the eggs. If you want them to look fancy, feel free to pull out your frosting supplies and pipe the filling into the egg whites. But I decided sprinkled paprika is fancy enough for me!